Sunday, July 15, 2012

Nevada Beach

We spent yesterday at Nevada Beach at Lake Tahoe with some new friends.  The weather was beautiful and the water was cool.  We got there at the perfect time for a perfect spot right by the water!  Such a great day. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fourth of July

We had a very quiet fourth of July this year.  We started with the town parade where Ava picked up bunches of candy.  Afterwards we spent the hot day swimming in our backyard and ended it with a BBQ with some friends.  

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Skunk Harbor

Our final trip was a hike at Lake Tahoe.  The trail, named Skunk Harbor, was a little bit of a challenge but totally worth it for the view.  It was a great end to our "staycation!"

Virginia City

Our second destination was Virginia City, an old mining town about an hour away.  We ate lunch and walked around the old town.  Our big "to do" was an old-fashioned photo!  I love our serious fitting.  HILARIOUS!!

Sacramento Zoo

While Josh has time off we decided to do a few fun things in the area or close.  The first place we went was Sacramento zoo.  It was a super hot day but Ava loved feeding the giraffes! We stayed the night and she and Josh swam in the hotel pool. I didn't get to swim, but Josh said she is a natural!  


Just a few pictures of the girls and Ava with her friend Audrey.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Reno Rodeo

After Josh's parents left, Josh took some time off to help out.  We have done lots of fun stuff as a family (more pictures to come) and our first was the Reno rodeo.  Ava got to ride a pony for the first time and loved every minute of it.  We thought for sure she would freak out and not want to ride, but she had no problem at all!

Happy Father's Day

Ava got Daddy some new working overalls for Father's Day! Daddy loved them:)

Momo & Papa

After my mom left, Barb and CR got here to give us a hand and meet Layla. So nice to have the help!

Grandma & Her Girls

We loved having you here, Grandma!  Come back and visit soon:)

First "Photo Shoot"

Here are a couple pictures from Layla's first "photo shoot." Neither of these made the cut for her birth announcement but are still two of my favorites.   

First Few Days

We came home from the hospital on Monday afternoon, having only spent one day there.  Our first few days at home juggling a toddler and a newborn were very interesting.  So glad my mom was there to help.  We definitely could not have done it without her!