Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby Bump Comparison

Baby bump with Ava at 26 weeks.

Current baby bump at 26 weeks.

Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe Ever

No but is!

You have to really follow the instructions and wait 24 hours to cook the dough, which is super annoying but it really does make a difference.  We also froze the batter because we knew we would literally eat all the cookies if we cooked them all.  To cook the frozen dough we would put in them in the oven while it was preheating and start the timer for 26 minutes.  They turn out perfect and you can just pop a few in at a time!

 Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear...
They're a hit!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kansas Trip

Here are some belated pics from our trip to Kansas City a couple weeks ago.
 Checking out her new haircut while enjoying her treat.

Monterey, California

Since Josh is going to be traveling a lot in the next couple weeks, we decided to take a little vacation as a family.  We drove about 6 1/2 hours to Monterey, California.  There is a Postgraduate Naval School there so we stayed on base at the Inns & Suites.  Everything on base, and in Monterey for that matter, was amazingly beautiful.  We got two full days to enjoy the sites and thanks to my friend Grace, who used to live there, we got the best recommendations on what to do!

Our first day we spent the morning at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  Josh and I knew Ava would love it, but boy did she ever love it!  She is still talking about it.  It was kind of crowded, but well worth it.  The set up was amazing!  After eating lunch at a great pub on Cannery Row, we drove over to Pacific Grove to see the Monarch Grove Butterfly Sanctuary.  There weren't as many butterflies as we had hoped, but there were a couple clumps hanging from one of the trees.  It was still pretty cool and I got a couple good pictures.  After the Sanctuary, we knew Ava would fall asleep in the car so we decided to go ahead and do the 17-mile drive through Pebble Beach.  It was really cool seeing the Pebble Beach golf course and all the beautiful homes and ocean views.

Our second day was spent on a hike around Point Lobos State Natural Reserve.  Our plan was to just do a little 2 mile hike but we ended up hiking the majority of the reserve, which was about 4 or so miles.  The weather was so beautiful and Ava was enjoying the backpack ride so we just kept going.  I was pretty sore the next day but it was well worth it!