Friday, June 26, 2009

It's official...I'm pregnant!

Josh and I went to the doctor today and received confirmation. We are having a baby! I am 8 weeks along and due January 31, 2010. The past month has been a tough one, but is starting to look up. Thank goodness! I was beginning to think I would never feel better. We have been taking weekly pictures since we found out. I am not showing, but still like to keep record. According to all the books we already have, the baby is now about one inch long, the size of a medium green olive, with a heart that's developed enough — and large enough — to be heard with a Doppler.

It is very interesting to hear the questions people ask when you tell them you are pregnant. The ones I like the most are: are you having any cravings yet? and do you think its a boy or a girl?. I don't have any suspicions on the gender and don't plan on finding out. As far as cravings go, anything that sounds good I eat. Because of the nausea, not many things sound good but there are a few that threw me for a curb. Like for instance: a root beer float, chinese noodles and peanut butter. Oh the peanut butter. It has definitely been a life saver. I think it was the only thing I could eat for the past month and not get sick. Hopefully things will only get better from here. We are both so excited to start a family and welcome any advice on being pregnant and becoming parents.

6 weeks

7 weeks
8 weeks