Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to Tummy

Ava rolled on her tummy for the first time yesterday. In the video she gets her arm stuck but finally gets it out!

YouTube Video

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day

We all went out to a nice brunch on Sunday for Father's Day. We got some great pics while we all were dressed nice. Everyone cleans up pretty well! Especially after all the hard work we have been doing. Thanks again for everything Barb and CR!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Golf

For Father's Day, Katrina organized a golf outing with my friends John, Dylan and Matt. I could not have asked for a better gift. We played at Bay Creek Golf Club located in Cape Charles, VA on the eastern shore. They have two signature courses designed by Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. It was one of the tougher courses I've ever played, but the scenery was stunning. Thanks babe!

Beach Babe

Ava, Barb, CR and I went to the beach close to our house today. It was pretty hot so we didn't stay long. Ava stayed under an umbrella and was happy as can be. She was such a trooper! There is a special reason why Josh didn't join us. He will be posting pictures soon with what he was doing!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Goodin

Barb and CR are in town for a while visiting and helping with some outstanding projects around the house. Barb has been watching Ava while I am at work. I don't think she likes it at all:) Here are some pictures of her feeding Ava. I forgot to tell her how messy it gets!

Monday, June 14, 2010


YouTube Video

Pics from the Weekend

Just a couple pics in her bumbo from the weekend. She is really getting the hang of it! Oh and this outfit is from our neighbors Curtis and Paige-I just love it!! Thanks guys!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ava Lately

I took Ava to her four month appointment this week. She did get her second set of shots but was such a trooper! I think she was more upset about being hungry. Once I nursed her she was fine. She now weighs 15 lbs 4 oz and is 25 inches long! At the top of the charts. The doctor was very impressed on her attentiveness. He gave us the go for a regular cereal regimen twice a day with a slow progression of vegetables and then fruits. I think I am going to wait until she is closer to six months before I start the veggies and fruits. But I have been doing my research on making my own baby food. I would really like her to get a healthy start with food and by making it myself I know exactly what she is getting. Although I am definitely not against having store bought baby food in the house for backup. I really can't believe it is already time to start thinking about food! You know everyone says how fast they grow up, but geez! Here are some of her latest "tricks" (as Josh likes to call them):

• She is grabbing everything and putting it directly into her mouth. No more dangly earrings or necklaces for mommy!
• Rolling from her stomach to her back and trying to roll from back to stomach. She doesn't really like being on her stomach so I think rolling from back to stomach won't be for a while.
• Squealing and singing. Just letting everyone know she is here.
• I have been blessed with an amazing sleeper. She goes to bed around 6 pm and wakes up around 7am. On top of that she usually takes a 1 1/2 to 2 hour morning nap and a 1 hour afternoon nap. She loves her sleep...just like daddy!
• I had to put away her Rainforest bouncy seat. She was getting her feet on the ledge and arching her back. It was a very sad day but I knew I had to stop using it before an accident happened.
• She is SOO close to giggling. I can get her to do it a little bit but she hasn't done a full out belly giggle yet. I can't wait!
• She loves her thumb!

Okay I'm done. Here is a picture for good measure.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ava's First Haircut

If you hadn't noticed, Ava was sporting quite the mullet these days. Since we got to see Grandma O, we took the opportunity to fix her do. Here are some before and afters. So much better! And in case you were wondering, I did save some... not sure what I am going to do with it though.


Hanging Out in Nebraska

Josh, Ava and I traveled to Nebraska this past weekend for the Mollring family reunion(Josh's mom's family.) Ava did fantastic on the airplane. She slept the majority of the time both ways. My parents drove up for the weekend as well. Here are some pictures from the trip and the actual reunion.
I think blue eyes run the in family...